[09.26.20] Korean 9: 자기 소개 [Self-Introduction], 조사 [Particle]

 I was so excited with our first day of classes that I even logged in the zoom meeting at 7:30 am when our class starts at 8 am. I have seen three old classmates from Korean module 5 so I was so delighted. Our teacher for Korean 9 module, Ms. Kyungmin Bae, was also my teacher in Korean 5 before. I was also happy to meet her again even if it was just through Zoom.

I met Ms. Bae for the first time in 2017 during our Korean 5 classes in UP Diliman. She speaks relatively slow for a Korean maybe because she teaches Korean to us, who are foreign to the language. Her voice is so gentle during lecture. I wish I could talk just like her someday.


We started the class through self introduction. She wanted us to introduce ourselves one by one just like how we introduce ourselves most of the time. We also had this activity before in Korean 5 and I still memorized the self introduction I used 3years ago. But I wanted this time to be different so I did not think much while waiting for my turn. I listened to each classmate introduce themselves until my turn came. I just said what I thought of on the spot. And it went on something like this.

Please play the audio below to hear about my self introduction.



나: 안녕하세요! 저는 라구나에 사는 지젤이에요. 저는 아직도 삼성전기 필리핀법인에서 일하고 있어요.

(Me: Hello! I am Gizelle who lives in Laguna. I am still working in Samsung Electromechanics Philippines.)

배 선생님: 왜 아직도예요? [웃음]

(Ms. Bae: Why did you say 'still'? [laughs])

배 선생님: 떠나고 싶어? [웃음]

(Ms. Bae: Do you want to leave? [laughs])

나: 아니요 [웃음]. 그냥 너무 오래 있어서 그냥

(Me: No [Laughs]. It is just I am there for a long time now.)

배 선생님: 오

(Ms. Bae: Oh.)

나: 그리고 사실 저는 작년에 애기가(애기를) 낳아서 한국어 공부 적당히 못 했어요. 그래서 올해는 이런 온라인 수업이 있어서 제가 좋은 기회가 생겼다고 생각했어요.

(Me: And actually, last year, I gave birth to my baby so I could not study Korean Language properly. So, I thought this online class is a good opportunity for me this year.

배 선생님: 그럼 집에서 일하고 있어요 요즘에? 

(Ms. Bae: So, are you working at home these days?)

나: 아니요.

(Me: No.)

배 선생님: 회사에 가요?

(Ms. Bae: You go to the company?)

나: 예. 

(Me: Yes.)

배 선생님: 어~ 라구나는 그런 좀 괜찮아요?

(Ms. Bae: Oh~ Is it okay now in Laguna?)

나: 괜찮을 것 같아요. 

(Me: I think it is okay.)

배 선생님: [웃음]

(Ms. Bae: [laughs])

나: 우리 회사는 스트락트한 스크리닝 있어서 좀 위험하지 않아요.

(Me: Our company has a strict screening so it is not that dangerous.)

배 선생님: 아. 그래요? 역시 삼성이니까. 계속 일하세요. 삼성 좋은 회산데. 어. 알았어요. 아기는 이제 몇 개월이죠?

(Ms. Bae: Ah. Really? As expected of Samsung. Continue on working. Since Samsung is a good company. Ah. Okay. How many months is your baby now?)

나: .... [웃음]

(Me: .... [laughs])

배 선생님: 12개월?

(Ms. Bae: 12months?)

나: .... 아. 19개월이요

(Me: .... Ah. 19months)

배 선생님: 19개월?

(Ms. Bae: 19months?)

나: 네.


배 선생님: 어~ 말해요?

(Ms. Bae: Oh~ Does she speak?)

나: 아직요. 그냥 마마 파파 

(Me: Not yet. Just Mama Papa)

배 선생님: 아. 네. 감사합니다

(Ms. Bae: Ah. Okay. Thank you.)


Note: In the Philippines, we mostly not count or say how many months is the baby after it turns one. So, I was taken aback. That's why it took me a few seconds to respond.. Haha. I counted then it turned out my baby is already 19months.

After listening to everyone's introduction, I noticed that my classmates are really good in speaking. Well, I was surprised and amazed at the same time. Because I admit that I am not good in speaking especially I stopped my Korean speaking practice years ago.

Honestly, I have stopped studying Korean ever since I gave birth to my daughter which was last year (Feb. 2019). It was difficult for me to adjust so I invested most of my time taking good care of my baby. After few months, I went back to work so it was another adjustment.

Okay. Going back to the topic. Our teacher emphasized that this module that we are taking is a high level topic so it will be really difficult for us if we do not self study at home. So I decided to create this blog post to list up the things I learned every lesson. It would also be my reviewer if I want to go back to certain topics any day.

Self Introduction Notes:

회사를 옮기다 -> 이직하다

~ similar to 이사하다

*옮기다: 한 장소에서 다른 장소로 '이동하다'

    집 -> 집 

    회사 -> 회사

야근하다 -> night shift

~[근무하다 / 일하다]

석사 [Masters] 학위 [degree]


Pandemic -> 대유행

집안일을 하다 / 집안일을 도와 주다

환경 + 에 관련된 부서/직업

*한국에 관련된 부서

*마켓팅에 관련된 직업


자기 소개 할때~ 'nickname'(이)라고 불러도 돼요, 'nickname'(이)라고 부르면 돼요. 그런거 말하지 마세요~ 자연스럽지 않아요~

대신에 'nickname'(이)라고 불러 주세요'라고 하면 더 좋죠~ 더 자연스러워요~


Honestly, when it was mentioned that our topic would be about particles, I thought 'Oh, I know particles very well. I think it would not be that difficult.' Our teacher gave us exercises wherein we fill in the missing particle. From nos. 1~5, it was very easy for me. But as she gave us more exercises about particles, it became more and more confusing that I had many wrong answers. I realized that many words became unfamiliar and the sentences became longer. If I am not familiar with the vocabulary, it is difficult to select the right particle.

Our teacher also mentioned that Filipino students and other foreign students who study Korean Language have this commonality of particle mistakes in a sentence so, it is really essential to practice especially there will be Writing section in TOPIK II.

Particle List:

  • 이/가
  • 은/는
  • 을/를
  • 으로
  • 에서
  • 와/과


까칠하다 ~ 까다롭다; 불친절하다

발벗고 나서다 - ~정말 열심히 열정적으로 해요

~발벗고 ~신발을 신지 않아, 양말 신지 않다 [literal meaning]

~열심히 마음이 없으면 천천히 하잖아요. 그래서 옷도 입고 신발도 신고 양말도 신고 시간이 있죠

~'발벗고 나서다'는 슬리퍼도 신지 않고, 신발도 신지 않고 빨리 밖으로 나가서 열심히 해요

예문: 발벗고 나서서 해결해요. 발벗고 나서서 도와 줘요.

감시카메라 ~CCTV

감시~surveillance, observation

감시하다~watch, monitor

호흡 ~ 숨을 쉬다

무분별하다 - 생각없이, 구분하지 않고 생각하지 않고~

구분하다 - 무엇이 무엇, distinguish, classify

- 아니다

기하다 - pursue

정서 함양 - emotional cultivation/development

정서 - 마음, 정신

함양 - 깨끗하게 (build, develop)

신중하다 - 급하다 반대, 조심히 생각하는 사람, 천천히 조심해서 하다.

 - 급하게 결정하지 않다 (성격)

경청 - 잘 듣는 것


주지하듯이 ~모두 알듯이 [아시다시피] - 모두 알고 있는 것 처럼

이/가 -> first sentence [새로운 information 말할 때]

은/는 -> next sentence [새 information 아니어서] 똑같은 topic 다시 말할 때, 옛날 이아기를 다시 말할 때

  • 예문) 현대 사회에서는 인터넷 중요한 도구이다

            이/가 - 강조하는 것

            설명)~사회에서는 중요한 것이 많은데 인터넷이 중요한 도구이다

  • 예문) 현대 사회에서 인터넷 중요한 도구이다.

           설명)~인터넷은 중요하지만 다른 것도 중요하다.

에서는, 에서도, 에서부터 (different combination)

으로 - 수단, tool, means

에서는 - highlight a situation


~을/를 즐기다

~이/가 즐겁다

~에 임하다 - 준비해서 일 미리 해야한다 - to come upon

~에 좋다

~에 나쁘다

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