어린 왕자

I purchased this book 5 years ago (2016) when I was in Korea, transferring station in the subway. I saw a stall selling second hand Korean books and decided to buy the 'Little Prince' Korean version. I tried reading this book but was only able to read up to 5 chapters. The last time I read this was in 2017.

This year, year 2021, I decided to push reading Korean books to further improve my Korean. I am posting my progress in this blog to remind myself of what I need to do and to keep track of how well do I do in 2021. I will post mostly my vocabulary notes in this blog. I will read at least 1 chapter (maybe around 2 chapters) per week and post my progress here.

Aja aja Fighting!

I have been reading Talk to me in Korean's News in Korean starting this year (2021) and I decided to post it here in my blog for reference, progress and for continuous learning. My goal is to finish reading the book before the year ends and memorize all the unfamiliar words for me. I have been reading 1 article per week since February.


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