DASH & LILY - Yes! It's that Netflix Series full of Christmas-ish lanterns and spirit~~~~

I have always been a hopeless romantic. Yes, you got that right! It really is seldom for me to write but when I do, that means I am again emotionally connected. 

I am a child at heart. I feel like what I loved when I was 12, I still love them 'till now. I have always loved books, Christmas, sweet things and anything that makes my heart feel warm. I have always loved seeing people in love and happy. You know, the idea that you also want to feel the warmth of being loved by a person truly special, your soulmate.

Don't get me wrong. I am an adult now so yes, I was able to feel it, many times in my life. Gosh, the word 'adult' still makes me cringe because sometimes, I still feel that I am not. Gahd, I still feel like I am still 16. Anyway~~~ as you grow older, you want to find stability. The thrill, the excitement of not finding what will be next became dull because you want to be the person who can plan, and who can know exactly what will happen because you want to make sure that what you do is right. Because you know that now, you have a really huge responsibility -- responsibility for another human being, so being the adventurous one suddenly became not you anymore. There is no thrill, no excitement anymore. And that is so sad, I know~ And the only time I could be back to my 'old self', the person who is not boring [in my own way], the person who wants spark in life hides somewhere behind an old room where she could be herself, be in thoughts, be in love and be in her own little world. The world of fantasy, the movies, the dramas, and most certainly difficult to believe but inside the books as well. But for now, I would like to share with you, the very recent. Yes, the most recent which made my heart happy, full of warmth and that is Netflix' Dash & Lily.

I love love stories, fairy tales and happy endings even if I am not 'that' young anymore. But aside from them, I also love weird stuff because I am weird. Yes, my aspiring rockstar husband always tells me that I am weird but maybe in a good way because he fell in love with me??? HAHA

Well, I tried looking up the meaning of 'Weird' and this is what Merriam-Webster said.

"ODD, FANTASTIC, a strange or extraordinary character."

I think he thinks I am weird because I am way different from him. He is the cool guy who plays guitar so well and sings so well while I am the nerd who can read books all day or night and I will not be bored because I am trapped in my own little world.

And maybe that is also why I am kind of attracted with the Dash & Lily series because I definitely relate to Lily:

1.) A person who loves books, and finds it more comfortable to hangout with older people.

2.) Definitely an old soul and conservative.

3.) Never been kissed when I was Lily's age. Okay, my first kiss was when I was 21.

4.) Loves Christmas so much! The lights, the lanterns, the joy, the love and it's because it is about Jesus.

5.) Lastly, I always want to feel special especially on Christmas. And having a game full of dares with a stranger (who is cute and charming and a good guy) will always be exciting! And if I were Lily's age watching the series or reading the book, I would definitely want to experience something like that and I would definitely love it!

Actually, the first time I watched the series was last year~ It was almost Christmas and I love watching movies or series which are in line with the Christmas theme during Christmas. Redundant, as they may say, but I so love Christmas that I always dreamt of having an American-like Christmas which consist of a real Pine tree, with a lot of lights and lanterns. I would walk on a park with many Chrismas-ish decorations while watching kids having snowball fight with one another. Then I will spend my evening inside a coffee shop with a highly Christmas theme with Christmas carols playing, where I would sit near the window as I sip my hot coffee and eat some Christmas shaped cookies while reading a book. 

I already fell in love with the series the first time I watched it that I also dreamt of writing a story that can give similar vibes and warm feeling, which I also experienced while watching it. Reading, watching and writing that warms the heart~~~ the special time I could give to myself even just for a short time.

I actually thought of Dash & Lily again last night. I kind of forgot the title of the series but thankfully, it is now trending on Netflix. As I was browsing some movies or series to watch, the title 'Dash & Lily' appeared. I felt like it was fate because I do not usually see the things that I look for but last night, it appeared exactly when I needed it the most. I finished the whole series this morning and I still laughed and cried as if I watched it for the first time. I so love Dash & Lily. A series that warms my cold heart.

So, I decided to go back into reading English books [because I am reading only Korean books nowadays]~ I immediately purchased the Dash & Lily book series in Shopee. Only that there is no pre-loved book of the 3rd book. I purchased the 1st book (Dash & Lily's Book of Dares), which is pre-loved for 120php while the 2nd book (The Twelve Days of Dash & Lily), which is hard bound for 200php. The 3rd book (Mind the Gap, Dash & Lily) costs 480php in Fully Booked, which is kind of expensive for me so I decided not to purchase it for now. Well, maybe I will purchase it after I read the two books first.

Today is September 5. Do you know that Christmas in the Philippines starts on September? Maybe the reason why I thought of Dash & Lily again. Christmas is a very special occasion to me even though this year will be just the same as last year because of the pandemic. I am hoping that we could still warm other people's feelings with messages and letters just like how Dash & Lily warmed my heart through their exchanges of words. 

Have you watched Dash & Lily on Netflix yet? If not, try watching it~ And I hope you could tell me if you like it on the comments below~

Have a nice day and I wish you a very Happy Christmas ahead!


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